JAKARTA - The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) has said that the Omnibus Law of Cipta Kerja is a solution in breaking down the complexities of existing regulations. This was conveyed in the annual report of Joko Widodo-Ma'ruf Amin.

With the Omnibus Law, it is hoped that investment in Indonesia will grow. This is because the complexity of the regulations is a factor in sluggish investment in the country.

"The Omnibus Law is a solution to unraveling complex regulations," he was quoted as saying in the annual report, Tuesday, October 20.

KSP said, through the Work Creation Omnibus Law Act the government had succeeded in summarizing 79 laws and unifying 11 clusters into one rule.

"The Omnibus Law method is expected to be a fast medicine to produce an efficient and aspirational legal product," wrote the KSP in the report.

Through this report, the KSP also said that the government had cut non-structural institutions whose functions were overlapping so that government movements would be more effective and efficient. Including, simplifying the number of echelons.

In addition, bureaucratic reform has also been carried out using Digital Serving (Dilan).

"With one click, Dilan cuts through complicated routes due to cumbersome procedures and rampant extortion practices."

Previously, the DPR approved the ratification of the Work Creation Omnibus Law Bill (RUU). Approval was taken at the Plenary Meeting for the Closing of Session Period I of Session Year 2020-2021 at the Parliament building, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, October 5.

The DPR at that time decided to knock on the bill despite opposition from the Democratic Faction and the Prosperous Justice Party.

The ratification of the Work Creation Bill received approval from seven factions, namely PDIP, Gerindra, NasDem, PAN, PKB, PPP, and Golkar.

Currently, the final draft of the Job Creation Law is in the hands of the government to be signed by President Jokowi. He has 30 days to sign the legislation for it to take effect.

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