GUNUNG KIDUL - At least six farm animals have been confirmed for foot and mouth disease at the Siyono Animal Market, Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY). The cattle will be sold by traders.

"We are still developing the findings of six livestock that are positive for mouth and nail disease (FMD). Based on the testimony of traders when selling cows at the Siyono Animal Market, cows that tested positive for FMD were brought from home, not bought from other areas," said the Head of the Livestock and Health Service. Animals (DPKH) Gunung Kidul Wibawanti Wulandari in Gunung Kidul, Sunday 29 May.

He said that when officers found them, the six cows had symptoms of PMK, such as profuse salivation, drooling saliva, so that the cows had sores resembling canker sores in their mouths and the body temperature of the six cows was hot.

"So that's a clinical symptom from eye observation, so the term is a suspicion or a suspect," he said.

For this reason, Wibawanti said that his party had sent samples to the Wates Veterinary Center (BBVet). For now, the six cows are being isolated and treated.

"Currently, the cow has been treated. So the bottom line is how can we continue to take treatment first," he said.

In addition, DPKH will intensify the monitoring of livestock traffic going into and out of Gunung Kidul. This anticipates the expansion of PMK. "We don't want PMK cases to spread. We appeal to farmers and traders to support controlling the spread of PMK," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of the Gunung Kidul Trade Service, Kelik Yuniantoro, said that his party closed the Siyono Animal Market for 14 days from Friday, May 27, to anticipate the spread of PMK and control livestock traffic in Gunung Kidul.

"To anticipate the spread of PMK in Gunung Kidul, we temporarily closed the Siyono Animal Market," he said.

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