RIAU - A total of 2,290 prospective pilgrims from Riau Province are ready to leave for the Holy Land.

Head of the Regional Office (Kakanwil) of the Ministry of Religion of Riau Province, Mahyudin, said that dozens of prospective hajj pilgrims would depart for Mecca in early June 2022.

"Currently we are continuing to finalize the various preparations for the departure of CJH according to the plan. Prospective Indonesian pilgrims will enter the first dormitory on June 3, 2022," Mahyudin said as quoted by Antara, Saturday, May 28.

He said that the prospective Riau hajj pilgrims would depart through the Batam Hajj embarkation.

"Currently, we are still waiting for the official letter of the batch of how many pilgrims from the Batam Hajj pilgrims depart from the Batam embarkation," he said.

Given the limited time, he instructed the regency/municipal Ministry of Religion to prepare for the document completion process, services for prospective hajj pilgrims in the regions and stabilization of hajj rituals in the regions.

"We hope that the Regency/City Ministry of Religion can provide the best service for prospective Hajj pilgrims in their area, because the preparation time is very short, so that the departure of prospective Hajj pilgrims in Riau Province goes well and smoothly," he said.

All prospective pilgrims for the Riau Province who are included in the departure list in 1443 Hijriah and have paid off the BPIH, are following the guidance of the Hajj rituals held by the Regency/City Ministry of Religion, according to the Director General Decree No. 146/year 2022 concerning Guidelines for Implementation of Guidance for Regular Hajj Pilgrims at District/City and District Levels in 1443 H/2022 M.

For this year's hajj season, Riau Province gets a quota of 2,290 prospective regular hajj pilgrims, 12 Regional Hajj Officers (PHD), 2 Hajj and Umrah Guidance Groups (KBIHU) and 10 Kloter officers who are limited to a maximum age of 65 years as of June 30. 2022.

So that the total number of prospective Riau Hajj pilgrims who will depart reaches 2,314 people.

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