JAKARTA - PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) will study and explore more deeply about historical truth. This is related to securing the ownership of KAI assets throughout Indonesia.

In order to fulfill this mission, KAI signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University on Research and Development in the Field of History in Efforts to Safeguard the Assets of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero).

The President Director of KAI, Didiek Hartantyo said, KAI as a state-owned company whose shares are 100 percent owned by the Indonesian government, has the obligation to maintain various company assets so that they can be used optimally for various interests of the company and the state.

KAI hopes that the signing of this cooperation agreement can be a joint guideline between KAI and UNS in reviewing and exploring more deeply about historical truths.

"Especially with regard to ownership of KAI assets in the context of securing KAI assets spread throughout Indonesia," said Didiek in his statement in Jakarta as reported by Antara, Saturday, May 28.

Didiek said that the scope of the PKS under the MoU between KAI and UNS in 2017 was in the form of Research and Development in the Field of History in Efforts to Safeguard KAI's Assets.

This includes providing training on the history of KAI's asset ownership; search and collect data and/or documents, information or evidence regarding the history of ownership of KAI assets.

Not only that, the cooperation also includes the provision of opinions, considerations, analysis, and/or studies regarding the history of KAI's asset ownership; assistance in the coordination process, discussion meetings, meetings, and presentations with stakeholders and other related parties regarding the history of KAI's assets; as well as providing witness and/or expert support regarding the history of KAI's asset ownership.

Didiek said that KAI has non-railway assets, namely assets that are not directly related to rail travel operations, including land assets, company houses, and official buildings.

KAI's total non-railway assets are about 270 million m2, of which up to now only 49 percent have been certified or around 131 million m2.

However, KAI continues to strive to optimize its assets through certification and control programs.

KAI is committed to continuing to increase the area of certified assets every year. Its main objective is to secure assets owned directly or indirectly by the state.

In the end, developing governance in optimizing KAI's land so that it will continue to increase both through asset commercialization, station area development, Transit Oriented Development area development, and other developments.

"The support of data and information from the results of the study that will be carried out in accordance with this collaboration is expected to be beneficial for both parties, to always work together to protect all assets owned by the company," said Didiek.

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