KUPANG - The Regent of Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Korinus Masneno said that the mining tax receivables C or non-metallic mineral tax (MBLB) which has still not been paid by entrepreneurs who have mining services business permits (IUJP) in the area reached more than Rp. 100 billion.

"The Kupang Regency Government still has receivables from the mining business players of C-dial up to Rp. 100 billion," said Kupang Regent Korinus Masneno, quoted by Antara, Friday, May 27.

Korinus Masneno said that this was related to the efforts of the Kupang Resort Police which succeeded in saving state finances from the C excavation tax or non-metal mineral tax of up to Rp. 2.8 billion.

According to data held by the Kupang Regency Government, the debt for mining tax C or taxes on non-metallic minerals and rocks from business actors who have a mining service business license is still quite large which must be sought to be collected.

According to him, the tax that is still depositing on business actors is the excavation C levy tax that has not been paid to the Kupang Regency Government in 2017 to 2021.

Korinus Masneno explained that the business actors took the excavation C in Kupang Regency but had not yet deposited their obligations to this area.

"The arrears of excavation C tax have not been paid, whether it is intentional or due to busyness so that they forget to pay the obligation to pay the levy for excavation C," he said.

According to the Regent Korinus Masneno, according to the project provisions, the provisions for levies and taxes should have been contained, where at the time of disbursement by the PPK it was preceded by proof of payment of excavation C by the holders (IUJP).

"But in practice, financial disbursement is carried out with the hope that the entrepreneur will pay off his obligations at a later date," said Regent Korinus Masneno.

Meanwhile, the largest source of revenue for Kupang Regency is from the Non-Metal Mineral and Rock (MBLB) tax, because the area is rich in C.

Regent Korinus Masneno asked business actors holding IUJP to immediately pay off their obligation to pay excavation C levies to the regions so that there are no legal problems.

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