Makassar Polrestabes Issue 3,863 E-Tilang Letters Until May
Illustration - Closed circuit television (CCTV) surveillance cameras are installed on Jalan MH Thamrin, Jakarta. (BETWEEN PHOTOS/Aditya Pradana

MAKASSAR - The Makassar Police Traffic Unit, South Sulawesi, from January to May 2022 issued 3,863 direct action electronic letters (e-tickets) to motorists.

Kasatlantas Polrestabes Makassar AKBP Zulanda said that since the implementation of "electronic traffic law enforcement" (ETLE) or electronic ticketing, the number of actions taken by its members has increased.

"In total, we have issued 3,863 e-tickets from January to May 2022. So that's all, tickets via ETLE, tickets via cellphone, and direct tickets from members in the field," he said, quoted by Antara, Friday, May 27.

The number of ETLE (CCTV) prosecutions in January was 190, February (233), March (77), April (189) and May (64). A total of 753 via ETLE surveillance cameras. Meanwhile, direct ticketing issued by the police in the field was 3,110 cases.

The amount of fines deposited by violators through Bank BRI or BRIVA is IDR 955,500 for 2,145 tickets or about 55.52 percent. While the remaining 44.48 percent is paid directly after the violator attends a trial at the Makassar District Court.

"We hope that in the future we will increase the number of cameras, especially at the entrance to Makassar City and other congested routes. However, of course, our biggest hope is that there is public awareness of the importance of maintaining safety on the road and for others," he said.

Zulanda explained that based on the data, one-fifth of the prosecutions for violations had gone through ETLE because only 18 CCTV cameras were able to produce or issue a ticket as many as 753 cases, while the rest were still carried out manually by members who saw firsthand violations on the highway.

Several types of violations that dominate are the use of helmets for two-wheeled riders, the use of seat belts for four-wheelers, and violating road markings.

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