JAKARTA - General Chairperson of the Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI) Gomar Gultom proposed that former Chairman of the Central Executive Ahmad Syafii Maarif be appointed a national hero.

"I ask the President to invite the whole community to fly the flag at half-mast as a tribute to him and it would not be an exaggeration if I also propose that he, in due course, be awarded a national hero," said Gomar Gultom, Friday, May 27, quoted from Antara.

Gomar Gultom joined the funeral of Buya Syafii at the Great Mosque of Kauman Yogyakarta.

"I went to pay my last respects as a form of togetherness and at the same time expressed my support for the Buya Maarif family and peace-loving Muslims," said Gomar.

According to Gomar, Buya Syafii's character, thoughts and struggles are in line with the struggle of the churches in Indonesia to promote the progress and prosperity of this nation.

"We all miss Syafii Maarif, 'Buya Syafii' nickname, who is not only a pluralist and nationalist figure, but rather a teacher and father of the nation, who contributed many ideas to educate the nation," said Gomar.

Gomar said Buya Syafii was very close to all circles and became an example for religious leaders in Indonesia as a great nation and appreciates progress.

Moreover, said Gomar, Buya Syafii's simplicity was seen because he refused various forms of facilities.

In fact, he continued, Buya Syafii refused the offer of treatment in Jakarta, both from Mrs. Megawati and from President Jokowi, because she felt more comfortable being treated at home, namely at PKU Muhammadyah Hospital in Yogyakarta.

"For his burial, he made a will to be buried in the Muhammadyah cemetery in Kulon Progo, and not in a cemetery dedicated to the leadership of Muhammadyah," said Gomar.

Buya Syafii Maarif (87 years old) passed away on Friday, 27 May 2022, at 10.15 at PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital, Yogyakarta. He was treated at the PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital, Sleman, because he had a mild heart attack.

His condition then improved so that Buya Syafii was allowed to return home at the end of March 2022. On March 26, 2022 President Jokowi also visited Buya Syafii. At that time and Haedar Nasir accompanied him. However, in mid-May 2022, Buya was re-entered the hospital.

Buya Syafii's body is buried at the Great Mosque of Kauman, Yogyakarta City.

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