JAKARTA - The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) established the Young Talent Alumni Program. The goal is to invite them to create a research and innovation community in Indonesia as well as an active platform in increasing scientific awareness.

"The aspiration to create a global research and innovation ecosystem requires the involvement of our young talents, which we start by creating a community of talents in the field of research and innovation," said Head of BRIN Laksana Tri Handoko in his remarks at the Young Talent Berkarya Webinar which was attended virtually at Jakarta, Wednesday, May 25, quoted from Antara.

The Young Talent Alumni Program was formed to create a community for young research AND innovation talents, who are alumni of the coaching program from research institutions that have now been integrated into BRIN.

"Through this program, alumni can enrich each other's knowledge, share experiences, and collaborate in innovation research to develop their regions," said Handoko.

The community is expected to be the initial habitat for the growth of a strong research culture, which can later be transmitted and passed on to the next young generation.

"The research-innovation community can also be a forum for the exchange of knowledge to create newness in national research and innovation," said Handoko.

BRIN's Director of Talent Management Arthur Ario Lelono said the Young Talent Alumni Program is a place for great people to inspire and contribute.

The community contains young talents in Indonesia who are alumni of coaching activities organized by BRIN or entities that were previously members of BRIN.

To facilitate coordination or communication, the alumni are divided based on their geographical proximity, namely the western region covering the islands of Sumatra, Java and Madura, the central region covering the islands of Bali, Kalimantan, West Nusa Tenggara Island, East Nusa Tenggara and Sulawesi, and the eastern region. which includes Maluku and Papua.

However, alumni can communicate with each other and interact and build each other up between regions so that there are no boundaries.

"We hope there will be interactions and contributions, meaning the active participation of young talents," said Arthur.

By joining the community, young talents can get many benefits, including obtaining wider information, building networks, and getting coaching and development programs.

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