SURABAYA - Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi handed over a Decree (SK) on the appointment of Government Employees with a Phase 1 Work Agreement (PPPK) to 470 teachers at the Women's Building, Surabaya.

Eri Cahyadi gave an important message to the 470 teachers not to forget to give their best to their students during teaching and learning activities in class.

"With the appointment of this PPPK teacher, we hope to be able to provide the best for our students, such as teaching good manners, speech, and character. It must be maintained properly so that in the future we can produce great generations and leaders in Surabaya," Mayor Eri was quoted as saying. Between, Tuesday, May 24.

After the handover of the decree on the first stage of PPPK, he hoped the teacher would not forget the people closest to him, especially his parents. According to him, the inauguration of the PPPK was due to the practice and prayers of parents who accompanied the teachers.

"Don't forget to pray for the parents, if their parents have died, come to the grave. Or you can pray at their respective places of worship, it can be in temples, mosques, churches, temples, and so on. If the parents are still there, come, kiss their feet. , say thank you," he said.

Not only that, Eri also emphasized that teachers do not elbow each other and vilify each other when on duty in the scope of education in Surabaya. Eri also encouraged teachers to become dignified educators and become good examples for their students.

According to Eri, teachers should not discriminate between students from one another, so that in the future there will be no unfair competition among the children of Surabaya.

"I really leave it to the fathers and mothers of these students, teach them well so that these children have a polite nature, teach the nature of being a leader and respect for others," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Regional Personnel Agency (BKD) of the City of Surabaya, Rachmad Basari, said the submission of the first phase of the PPPK Mayor's Decree was given to 470 teachers consisting of elementary and junior high school teachers throughout Surabaya. Phase 2 will be submitted on June 1, 2022 with a total of 410 teachers.

Basari said the PPPK selection was attended by 1,617 participants with a minimum requirement of 3 years to become a contract worker in the Surabaya City Government (Pemkot). In the competency selection held by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the East Java Provincial Education Office, there were 475 people. Of these, 4 people resigned and 1 person died.

"From stage 1 of the filing, there are 470 people who have been proposed and received the determination of the National Civil Service Agency (BKN) registration number, which was accepted in mid-May 2022," said Basari.

In this phase 1 formation, he said, the teachers filled positions as classroom teachers, Indonesian, English, Natural Sciences, Social Studies, Counseling Guidance, Mathematics, PPKN, Art and Culture Crafts, Technology and Information Technology (ICT), Islamic Religion, and Physical education.

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