PASAMAN BARAT - The Civil Service Police Unit of West Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra, arrested 14 female karaoke guides in three cafes in this area.

"We conducted another raid on Monday (23/5) night and arrested 14 karaoke guides," said Head of West Pasaman Satpol PP Hendri Wijaya through Secretary, Handoko at Simpang Empat, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, May 24.

He said the dozens of female karaoke guides were secured from three locations, namely Banana Cafe near Simpang Empat Market, Balihai Cafe in Ujung Tanah, Nagari Aia Gadang, Pasaman District, and Ijup Cafe in Jorong Simpang Tiga Alin, Gunung Tuleh District.

Currently, his party is examining and asking for information from the 14 women at the West Pasaman PP Satpol Office.

Against the 14 women, later they were asked to make a statement not to repeat the work again and willing to return to their respective regions.

The owners of entertainment venues are advised not to employ women in nightclubs.

Because, he said, they violated regional regulations and their presence could disrupt public order and comfort.

In addition, karaoke places with closed rooms are also not allowed, except karaoke places in open spaces.

"Even though it's called family karaoke, if it's in a closed room, it's suspected that something that doesn't fit the norms and ethics has happened," he said.

He appealed to all nightclubs not to trade liquor.

The 14 women who were arrested were AT (20), NSM (37), MD (38), PC (40), LRA (27), AM (40), YA (27), RRN (32), DA ( 24), ZT (41), SH (22), TO (22), and PR (21).

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