JAKARTA - The continuation of the election process for the Deputy Governor of DKI is in danger of resigning again. In fact, previously the DPRD had targeted that they would continue determining the assistant for DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan this month.

Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetio Edi Marsudi, said that the discussion on the election of the Jakarta cawagub was delayed because the Jakarta area was hit by a flood. Moreover, members of the DKI DPRD are busy conducting inspections and supervision of the DKI Provincial Government so that the floods do not submerge the Capital City.

"The situation is still like this (flooding), there are many disasters in Jakarta. The flood has just subsided. It's too bad, the domino effect is everywhere. It's still flooded," said Prasetio when met in the Central Jakarta area, Monday, January 13.

Previously, Prasetio had promised that the process of selecting DKI's number two person would run in January. This month, the DPRD should hold a joint leadership meeting to ratify election rules and form a candidate voting committee (panlih).

Later, the election committee will determine one of the two definitive candidates to occupy the seat of Deputy Governor of DKI. "We will carry out January. After this new year I will form a voting committee. After that I will do it. Surely tomorrow (2020) will have a deputy governor," said Prasetio, Friday, December 27, 2019.

As is known, the slots for the deputy governor candidates for DKI have narrowed two names. One candidate from PKS, and another from Gerindra. However, the two names have yet to be determined.

Gerindra chose one name from the four nominated candidates, including the Gerindra DPP Advisory Board Arnes Lukman, Gerindra Deputy Chairman Ferry Juliantono, and Gerindra Secretary General Ahmad Riza Patria. One more name, namely DKI Regional Secretary Saefullah, has previously been canceled from the election market.

Meanwhile, PKS elects DPW PKS DKI General Secretary Agung Yulianto. Another PKS cadre candidate, Ahmad Syaikhu, was removed from the vice governor exchange by PKS President Sohibul Iman because he has served as a member of the Indonesian Parliament.

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