JAKARTA - Instagram President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) uploaded a statement from the World Bank regarding their support for the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Law. In the caption, the @jokowi account quoted a statement from the World Bank.

"'The Job Creation Law is a major reform effort to make Indonesia more competitive.' This said the World Bank, "reads the upload.

"The following is the full statement," the statement continued.

The post contains an image of a World Bank release statement sheet entitled World Bank Statement on the Omnibus Law on Job Creation. In essence, the World Bank compliments the Jokowi administration.

The World Bank calls the Omnibus Law a major reform that can increase Indonesia's economic empowerment. "Making Indonesia more competitive and supporting the country's long-term aspiration to become a prosperous society," reads a statement from the World Bank.

The World Bank also mentioned their optimism that the Omnibus Law on Job Creation is the most sensible way to revive the Indonesian economy which is lying on the ground hit by a pandemic. What is not overlooked, of course, compliments regarding the simplification of the bureaucracy that will increase investment.

"By removing investment constraints that are burdensome (investors) and giving a signal that Indonesia is open to business. This will increase the attractiveness of investment which has implications for job creation, which is important to fight poverty."

"The World Bank is committed to working with the Indonesian government on these reforms," read the closing statement.

The following is the full statement of the World Bank.

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