JAKARTA - Secretary General of the Ministry of Religion, Nizar Ali, emphasized that there must be an increase in the satisfaction index for Hajj services. The hope is to be the best in the eyes of the world.

Previously, the satisfaction index of Indonesian pilgrims (IKJHI) in Saudi Arabia in 1440 Hijri/2019 AD was 85.91, an increase of 0.68 compared to 2018. This figure is expected to be even better in the 1443H/2022H hajj season.

"The position of Indonesian pilgrims is extraordinary in the eyes of the world, because they are orderly and friendly. If they are better, it will be the best in the eyes of the world," said the Secretary General of the Ministry of Religion, as reported by Antara, Sunday, May 22.

"So, don't waste it on officers who are ready to serve Indonesian pilgrims in Saudi Arabia," he continued.

He again reminded, the main aspect of Hajj is service. The reason is, Hajj is a social phenomenon that has no end. Hajj is an obligation for Muslims until the Day of Judgment, so the service must be excellent and better than before.

For this reason, Nizar Ali reminded the hajj officers to provide the best service to the congregation and not to let the satisfaction index for hajj services drop.

Most of the Hajj officers have never been on duty, so it is hoped that those who have already performed Hajj can become mentors so that they can carry out their duties well.

"This technical guidance is very important so that we can prepare competent officers. So far we have obtained a very satisfactory Hajj satisfaction index, I don't want this index to go down," said Nizar Ali.

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