BENGKULU - The Rejang Lebong Police, Bengkulu, said that the suspected robber who was shot and killed by officers on Saturday, May 21 was a recidivist and had been jailed several times.

Rejang Lebong Police Chief AKBP Tonny Kurniawan in Rejang Lebong, Sunday, May 22, said the alleged perpetrator of the motor vehicle robbery had to be paralyzed by Sindang Kelingi Police officers who were about to arrest him with hot lead for resisting using a sharp knife.

"The alleged perpetrator is a recidivist in a case of violent theft (curas) and a case of heavy theft (curat). This person has been in prison in Bengkulu six times," he said as reported by Antara.

He explained that the alleged perpetrator was previously unknown because he did not have an ID card or other identification so that after being incapacitated and hospitalized for several hours after he died, he was labeled Mr. X.

The identity of the alleged perpetrator was only known after Saturday, May 21 night, his family came to the morgue of the Curup Hospital to see it.

The alleged perpetrator, he said, was known to be AS alias Andi Oleng (35), an unemployed person who lives in Gang A Manaf, Talang Benih Village, Curup District.

"The handover of the body of the suspected perpetrator of the crime of stealing to his family in Talang Benih Village, Curup District, Rejang Lebong Regency has been carried out on Sunday (22/5) in the morning at around 00:40 WIB," he explained.

Previously, officers from the Sindang Kelingi Sector Police, Rejang Lebong Police were forced to shoot the alleged robber of a Honda Beat BD-2291-KR motorcycle belonging to Syafrudin (65), a resident of Talang Rimbo Lama Village, Central Curup District, which occurred Saturday, May 21 at 14.00 WIB in the village of Lubuk Ubar, South Curup District, Rejang Lebong Regency.

The alleged perpetrator of this robbery after being paralyzed while still alive was then taken by members of the Sindang Kelingi Police to the Annisa Hospital in Simpang Nangka Village for medical treatment. However, at around 16.00 WIB the suspected robber died, then the body of Mr. X was taken to the Curup Hospital for an autopsy.

From the suspect's hands, the police secured 1 unit of the victim's motorbike, a sharp knife type weapon, and 1 set of letter T keys. Meanwhile, one of his colleagues managed to escape into a resident's plantation on Jalan Lintas Curup-Lubuklinggau.


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