JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta DPRD Nasdem Faction Treasurer, Ahmad Lukman Jupiter, said that the four campaign promises of the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswesan, had not been realized until his three years of leadership in the Capital City.

First, said Jupiter, the Rp0 DP housing program has not been fully realized because until now there are still millions of residents who do not have houses.

"Up to now, the Rp 0 DP has not been implemented. There are still millions of Jakarta residents who do not have a place to live according to BPS data," said Jupiter, quoted by Antara , Jakarta, Friday, October 16.

Jupiter also highlighted the simple rental apartment (Rusunawa) that has been built in West Jakarta, which has stood tall, but the occupants are still quiet.

"What's going on? Then the Housing Service, as the one running this program, seems to be taking it easy, it's been three years," he said.

The second promise is the problem of flooding in Jakarta which is a homework that has not been completed. In fact, he gave an example, reflecting on from last year, Anies was sued by the people of the Capital City because of the impact of widespread flooding.

Currently, according to him, flood management in DKI has not shown significant results. Even Jupiter assessed that the river normalization process or other flood mitigation processes are still shifting responsibility between the central and provincial governments.

"In fact, Anies was sued at that time with flood losses. Now, in my opinion, it is still running in place, there has not been any significant development," he said.

Another campaign promise that has not been maximized is related to the provision of jobs through the OK Oce program, which according to him seems to have just disappeared.

Even Jupiter said that during the COVID-19 pandemic, around 24 thousand workers were laid off and this problem could not be handled properly.

"At that time, Pak Anies promised to provide employment through OK Oce. Until now, I think it has not worked," he said.

Finally, Jupiter added, was the problem of the reclamation project. During the campaign, Anies firmly refused to do reclamation, but now Anies supports the reclamation development of Ancol, North Jakarta.

"But after that, after he took office, he signed the reclamation Pergub, Pergub reclamation in Ancol. Reclamation with expansion is the same, it's just the same word, expansion and reclamation in my opinion are the same," he said.

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