JAKARTA - Warganet spilled their thoughts on the Commuter Line Twitter account after the route to and from Bogor was disrupted at Pasar Minggu Station.

Commuter Line trips to and from Bogor Station did experience problems. A number of passengers, to the editor of VOI complained that there was no official notification from the driver.

However, the KAI Commuter account on Twitter, @CommuterLine explained that the delay occurred due to the repair of locomotives on the Freight Forwarding Train on line 2 Pasar Minggu Station,

"#InfoLintas There is a locomotive repair on the Freight Forwarding Train on line 2 Pasar Minggu Station, currently in the hands of officers. We apologize for the inconvenience," wrote the account, Friday, May 20.

Commuter Line received various criticisms and insults on its Twitter account.

"Why repair on busy KRL lines? Where's the brain?" wrote the netizen.

"Min, I want to ask, why don't the freight trains be arranged so that they don't operate at the time of leaving and returning to the office?" write another.

"Dr. Bogor has passed 3 times, this is the direction of Bogor, it hasn't passed, Min, God, this pregnant woman is standing or not sitting," wrote another.

"Min, don't do this often, man. This person wants to faint, you know how it feels to be in a full train, standing up, carrying heavy items. It's really hard," said another netizen.

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