JAKARTA - Member of Commission I DPR RI from the PDI-P Faction TB Hasanuddin said the phenomenon of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) group among TNI soldiers is nothing new. He conveyed this in response to a statement from the Chairman of the Military Chamber of the Supreme Court (MA) Burhan Dahlan.

"Since a long time ago, the issue of LGBT, especially among the TNI, has existed, although it is not as exciting as it is today and this LGBT phenomenon is a reality in society that has become a polemic and a public conversation," Hasanuddin said in his written statement, Friday, October 16.

Furthermore, this retired TNI officer reminded that this sensitive issue among TNI soldiers must find the best possible solution because this is the duty and responsibility of its leaders. Moreover, based on his experience, the main duties and functions of the TNI do indeed require group cooperation and homogeneity as well as a high Korsa spirit, especially when this group is assigned to a special area.

So, he could not imagine if there was such a small group that there would be soldiers who were LGBT and could disturb homogeneity. "So actually, LGBT is unsuitable and prohibited in the TNI environment," he said.

After all, it is not only Indonesia that applies strict rules to its soldiers who are LGBT people. France, for example, he said, had imposed very strict rules on LGBT people and was not accepted in its army.

"As far as I know, in the TNI it is the same, during the initial selection it received serious attention," he said.

It is known that the head of the Supreme Court's Military Chamber, Burhan Dahlan, asked the military judge not to hesitate to fire LGBT members of the TNI. His request was submitted because there were more than 20 cases where the perpetrators were even acquitted by the Military Court of the first instance.

"There are 20 cases. There is a doctor Lieutenant Colonel, some have just graduated from the Military Academy, Second Lieutenant," Burhan said on the Supreme Court YouTube account.

According to him, TNI soldiers belonged to this LGBT group because of lifestyle factors and he even mentioned that there was an LGBT TNI-Polri union. "This leader is sergeant. The members are Lieutenant Colonel. This is unique," he said.

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