WEST PAPUA - Complete Basic Immunization Coverage or IDL in the West Papua Province has decreased over the last two years during the COVID-19 pandemic, from 84.1 percent in 2019 to 60.4 percent in 2021.

The Head of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) of the West Papua Provincial Health Office, dr. Norma said, the decrease in IDL was feared to have an impact on the risk of extraordinary events of Diseases Preventable By Immunization (PD3I).

"This is a serious concern for us, because PD3I cases in West Papua, specifically measles or Rubella are still found almost every year. Meanwhile, based on the national measles risk assessment data, West Papua is the province with the highest risk," said Norma in Manokwari, Antara, Thursday. May 19.

In 2018 and 2019 the Province of West Papua was hit by an outbreak of Diphtheria which caused cases of death in children. Even in the national Polio risk assessment, West Papua is still listed as the province with the highest risk.

In addition, there are several other factors that affect the decline in routine immunization coverage. These include supply chain disruptions, PPKM regulations, and a shortage of health workers, resulting in the termination of some vaccination services at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The results of a survey by the Ministry of Health and UNICEF in 2020 of some parents and caregivers, it is known that they are reluctant to take their children to health facilities because they are afraid of contracting COVID-19, or are worried that there is no proper health protocol," said doctor Norma.

As a solution and an effort to recover vaccination coverage that was lost during the two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, said Norma, the Government in 2022 will hold the National Child Immunization Month (BIAN) for the May-June period.

The implementation of BIAN (May-June) has two main activities, namely Additional Immunization and Pursuit Immunization in all Puskesmas, Posyandu, PAUD, TK/RA and SD/MI in the province of West Papua.

The West Papua Provincial Health Office held a Media Briefing with dozens of journalists in Manokwari in the context of implementing the 2022 BIAN

He explained that Supplementary Immunization is giving one dose of measles rubella immunization to infants 9 months to 12 years old.

"While Pursuit Immunization is the provision of one or more types of immunization to children 1-5 years old to complete incomplete immunization status when they are infants or under 1 year old," said doctor Norma.

Previously, the Manokwari Regency Government officially launched the 2022 National Child Immunization Month (BIAN) in the area since Wednesday, May 18 at the Kasuari Rescue Posyandu, the Manokwari Search and Rescue (SAR) Office.

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