JAKARTA - The national survey institute Indo Reset released the results of a survey of presidential and vice presidential candidates if the election was held at this time. As a result, Anies Baswedan won the contest even though he was paired with anyone.

In the release of the survey results titled Election 2024: Potential for Two Rounds of Presidential Elections, Indo Research tried to make a head to head simulation of the presidential and vice-presidential pairs of candidates.

The presenter of Indo Research, Roki Arbi, explained that in the first simulation, the Anies Baswedan-Andika Perkasa pair excelled with 47.7 percent over the Ganjar Pranowo-Erick Tohir pair with 39.3 percent.

The second simulation, the Anies-Sandiaga pair led with 49.5 percent against the Ganjar-Erick Tohir pair who got 38.5 percent of the vote.

The national survey institute Indo Reset released the survey results for the presidential and vice presidential candidates

The third simulation, the Anies-Ridwan Kamil pair won with 49.1 percent against the Ganjar-Erick pair with 38.8 percent.

The fourth simulation, Anies-AHY won with 47.7 percent against Ganjar-Erick with 39.6 percent.

Then, the fifth simulation of the Anies-Sandiaga pair won again against the Ganjar-Ridwan Kamil pair with 46.0 percent and 42.4 percent of the votes respectively.

The sixth simulation, Anies tried to be paired with the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa, but the result was that this pair had to lose to the Ganjar-Sandiaga pair who scored 45.9 percent. Meanwhile, Anies-Khofifah was left behind with 42.0 percent.

But surprisingly, in the seventh simulation, the Anies-Khofifah pair won against the Prabowo Subianto-Muhaimin Iskandar alias Cak Imin pair. Anies-Khofifah won with 44.5 percent while Prabowo-Cak Imin was only satisfied with 40.5 percent.

The national survey institute Indo Reset released the survey results for the presidential and vice presidential candidates

The eighth simulation, the Anies-Sandiaga pair won a landslide victory with 60.1 percent against the Jokowi-Puan pair who got 26.4 percent.

The ninth simulation, Anies-Andika won again with 50.2 percent if PDIP brought its own cadre, namely Puan-Ganjar with 35.1 percent.

"So the cawapres factor will also determine the level of electability of presidential candidates," said Arbi.

This survey used a multi-stage random sampling method with a total of 1,096 samples of valid data to be analyzed. The interview process was conducted face-to-face using a structured questionnaire with a margin of error of +/- 2.96 percent at a 95 percent confidence level.

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