PONTIANAK - Acting Head of the Village Government and Disadvantaged Regions Government Community Empowerment Service, Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan, Rudi Hartono said that his party is targeting 13 villages with underdeveloped status in the area to be eradicated by 2023. villages. We are targeting alleviating underdeveloped villages as soon as possible according to the instructions of the Governor of West Kalimantan that by 2023 there will be no more underdeveloped villages in this province, including in Bengkayang Regency," he said when contacted in Bengkayang, Thursday 19 May. According to him, in 2022, it will begin with focus on correcting anomalous data. In 2023, carry out an intervention scheme for regional apparatus organizations (OPD). This is done to find out the indicators that are considered lacking. "So, from these lacking indicators, we ask the relevant OPD to help and be strengthened again in the hope of increasing our Developing Village Index (IDM), especially apart from the status of underdeveloped villages, " he was quoted as saying by Antara. Regarding independent villages, the final results showed significant developments. Previously, in Bengkayang Regency there were only 12 independent villages, now there are 24 villages. "Villages with independent status in Bengkayang have increased 100 percent," he said. For the category of developed villages, there has also been an increase, from 20 developed villages to 39 villages. "Meanwhile, the village category is developing, from 65 villages to 46 villages. So, all of them have increased to the good category," he said.

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