JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Task Force for Handling COVID-19 Wiku Adisasmito explained that the percentage of COVID-19 cases in 10 priority provinces tends to be stagnant. Only Bali has consistently experienced an increase in mortality.

The ten priority provinces are DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, South Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, North Sumatra, Papua, Bali and Banten. This province is of concern because it has 67.62 percent of the portion of active cases nationally.

"Several priority provinces have experienced an increase but declined again in the last week. Only the province of Bali has experienced an increase in the percentage of deaths in the last two weeks," Wiku said in a Youtube broadcast by the Presidential Secretariat, Thursday, October 15.

Based on data analysis as of October 11, the percentage of COVID-19 deaths in Bali on September 27 was 2.97 percent. Then the death rate on October 4 rose to 3.11 percent, then on October 11 it again rose to 3.17 percent.

From the available data, Wiku said that the Bali provincial government must improve the quality of care for COVID-19 patients. Because, the death of COVID-19 is usually experienced by patients with severe symptoms whose health conditions are getting worse.

"Improving the quality of referral hospitals and adding independent isolation facilities or emergency hospitals is necessary to help reduce the death rate," said Wiku.

"To the citizens of Bali, we beg you if you experience symptoms of Covid 19 to immediately check yourself so that it can be treated as early as possible," he continued.

Although the percentage of deaths in Bali is increasing, the cure rate for COVID-19 patients on the Island of the Gods has also increased.

On September 27, the cure rate for COVID-19 in Bali was 81.9 percent. Then, on October 11, the cure rate rose to 85.8 percent.

If the mortality and recovery rates increase, active cases will automatically decrease. Active cases in Bali on September 27 amounted to 15.13 percent. Then, it decreased to 11.03 percent on October 11.

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