JAKARTA - The Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan has completed his three years leading the capital city, Friday, October 16 tomorrow. Jakarta DPRD PSI faction member William Aditya Sarana evaluated Anies about the decline in budget transparency.

"I see that there is a setback in terms of budget transparency. That is what is our main concern," William said in a webinar discussion, Thursday, October 15.

William said, the budgeting process that he felt was not transparent was the absence of publication since the submission of the DKI budget ceiling in the system included in the Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD) and the preparation of the General Budget Policy and Temporary Budget Ceiling Priorities (KUA-PPAS) in the e-Budgeting system . which the public can see.

In the two budgeting processes, namely in the 2018, 2019, and 2020 fiscal years, the budget draft is only uploaded when the KUA-PPAS has been passed between the DKI Provincial Government and the DPRD.

"Now, in Pak Anies' day, the draft APBD will only be published after the ratification of the KUA-PPAS. This is a setback," said William.

"Supposedly, all of the draft budget must be published at every stage and process, especially when discussing the KUA-PPAS issue which determines the budget ceilings," he continued.

There are two disadvantages when the DKI Pemprov is not transparent in its budget submissions. First, the DPRD only gets a paper copy (hard copy) or Pdf KUA-PPAS budget. This makes it difficult for DPR members to oversee the rationalization of the budget ceiling.

"We have a lot to comb through the budget one by one. We are only given files in the form of hard copies or PDFs. That makes it difficult for us in the DPRD. In fact, smart budgeting makes it easy for us, because everything is already in one system, we just have to click. So, we can filter it. what you want to pay attention to, "he explained.

Second, non-transparent budgeting will make it difficult for the citizens of Jakarta to participate in supervising the budget.

"As a result, what we will receive will eventually be the finished goods. People only have to trust the Provincial Government and DPRD. In fact, (the budget) is a public tax, so it must be published," he concluded.

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