MEDAN - Salsabila's (9) family can only surrender. Since March, when the COVID-19 pandemic was announced to have entered Indonesia, Salsabila could no longer receive education.
Since the pandemic, teaching and learning activities have changed their pattern to learning from home (BDR). But what power, Salsabila doesn't have an Android cellphone that can support the online learning process.
This limitation makes Salsabila unable to access learning materials from her teacher at SD Negeri 060791 Medan
The condition of Salsabila's family did not allow her to buy a cellphone for studying. His father, Rudi (41), a motorized pedicab driver has an irregular income. Meanwhile her mother, Yenni Susanti (35), works as a coolie washing clothes and selling chips.
"We are difficult people, sir. When I took report cards, I once asked the school. I said that now I learn online learning to the teacher like this. 'Mom, we don't have cellphones. So how do our children learn at home? The mother said,' Yes. You're very clever, '"said Yenni, imitating the homeroom teacher when met by reporters, Thursday, October 15.
Because she doesn't have a cellphone, Yenni can't do much and can only teach Salsabila to read and write in moderation. During those months, Salsabila could no longer study as usual. According to Yenni, her teacher never visited her son's condition.
A different condition was experienced by her brother, Silvia Maharani (11), a grade 5 student at a private elementary school in Tembung. Silvia still accesses the lessons by visiting her teacher's house three times a week.
He studies every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 11.00 WIB to 14.00 WIB. Even though Silvia was in arrears for her school fees from grade 4 to grade 5 in elementary school.
"The teacher has come back and forth to the house, collecting. But he is still generous. We promise, if we have money, we will pay in installments," said Yenni.

Regarding the condition of Salsabila, Head of the Medan City Education Office, Adlan admitted that he would trace this information. He has ordered the head of the SD curriculum section to check the accuracy of the information conveyed by the Salsabila family.
"I have ordered the head of the SD curriculum section to check whether this is true or not," said Adlan separately.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, there are two learning methods carried out, namely online or online learning with the help of mobile devices. The second method is offline learning.
"If the school is offline, the school provides learning modules to students, it can be taken every Sunday at school. Likewise we check the information," he said.
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