JAKARTA - Member of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Arsul Sani, advised the Presidium of the Indonesian Diving Action Coalition (WE) Gatot Nurmantyo to take legal action against the arrest of his activists. According to him, the legal process that is currently running cannot only be challenged by making accusations.

"Reactions to legal actions cannot only be voiced in the media or other public spaces. Instead, they must be channeled through the legal channels that have been provided, such as pretrial," Arsul said when contacted, Thursday, October 15.

Moreover, the Secretary General of PPP said that the law enforcement process occurs because there are two sides. First, enforcement is carried out because of an alleged violation of the law with sufficient evidence.

The second is from the side of the person who is subject to the action and the parties who support the person who is being prosecuted.

"So, for those on the second side, our criminal procedural law provides a way to test the legality of the actions of law enforcers on the second side," he said.

So, Arsul suggested to Gatot to use pretrial rather than just accusing certain parties of politicizing the arrest.

"In this context, Commission III suggested that those on the second side, including Mr. Gatot Nurmantyo, use the provided route, namely, pretrial," he said.

Previously, Gatot said he considered the arrests to have political purposes. He said that the arrest of Syahganda Nainggolan, Anton Permana, Jumhur Hidayat, and several US members was a repressive act and did not reflect the police's function as a public protector.

Because, seen from the basic time dimension, the Police Report up to the release of Sprindik on the same day indicated something unusual and violated procedures.

"Moreover, if it is linked to Article 17 of the Criminal Procedure Code concerning the need for a minimum of two pieces of evidence, and Article 45 of the ITE Law regarding the phrase 'can cause', it is believed that the arrest of OUR figures has a political purpose," said Gatot in his statement, Wednesday, October 14. .

Gatot sees that there are indications that the cellphones of a number of US figures before their arrest were hacked by certain parties. Gatot also accused tapping or cloning of cellphones.

"This is often experienced by activists who are critical of state power, including by some of our figures. As a result, the existing 'evidence of conversation' is often artificial and absurd," he said.

Therefore, Gatot demanded the National Police to release the US figure from the allegation of violating the ITE Law because the article contains many rubber articles that contradict freedom of opinion.

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