JAKARTA - The famous lawyer Hotman Paris Hutapea admitted that he had read the final draft of the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Law. This law is said to benefit workers and laborers.

“Good news for workers, good news for workers. I just read the draft of the Job Creation Law, the Omnibus Law, here is an article which states that if an employer does not pay severance pay according to the provisions of this law, he will be considered a criminal offense and the threat of a sentence of four years in prison, "said Hotman Paris in a video at hotmanparisofficial Instagram account, Wednesday, October 14th.

For Hotman, the opportunity for workers or workers to report the police is believed to make employers want to pay severance pay.

"It must be the employer, if a police report is made to the police regarding severance pay, he will rush to pay the severance pay. This is a very good step, which greatly benefits both workers and laborers, "said Hotman.

For Hotman, this rule is very beneficial for workers or laborers because usually workers have to go through a long process in court to demand severance pay.

"But with one police report you may find severance pay. Congratulations to the workers and workers, "he said.

Ministry of Manpower: Act on Job Creation for Worker Interests Accommodation

Special staff of the Ministry of Manpower (Menaker) Dita Indah Sari said the Job Creation Law still accommodates workers' interests and adopts various good things in Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower.

"Of course we adopt the good things in the Manpower Law, and we also need to accommodate the times so that the labor regulations remain relevant," said Dita in Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, October 14.

According to him, the regulation seeks to ensure that workers still receive their rights when carrying out their obligations, such as severance pay, contract status, leave, outsourcing, and wages.

In addition, he added, the Omnibus Law was also able to answer various issues related to the workforce cluster according to the latest developments, considering that the previous Law was almost 17 years old.

One of them is related to severance pay for employees who are laid off, which is currently one of the highest in the world, despite the downward revision, from 32 times the previous salary to 25 times the salary.

"In Indonesia, the severance pay rate is one of the highest in the world and this is not balanced with our productivity level. The realization of 32 times this salary is that no one wants to bear it and not many are able to carry it out," said Dita.

He added that the Job Creation Law also provides innovations that are more relevant to workers affected by layoffs, namely providing job loss insurance (JKP) with numbers that do not burden employers.

"The JKP benefits only exist in the Job Creation Law, the figure no longer burdens workers or employers with additional contributions. The government will recompose existing contributions from BPJS Ketenagakerjaan," said Dita.

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