JAKARTA - Regarding the bribery case that befell former President Director of Garuda Indonesia, Emirsyah Satar, on Thursday, January 9, a trial was held again at the Central Jakarta Court (PN Jakpus). In the trial, two witnesses were presented, namely M. Arif Wibowo and Sunarko Kuntjoro.

M. Arif Prabowo is a former executive director of the Garuda Indonesia Business Daily and as a Director of Citilink. Meanwhile, Sunarko Kuntjoro, is a former Technical Director of Garuda Indonesia.

"During the trial, it was revealed that the entire aircraft procurement process from the planning stage to the purchase at Garuda was carried out by the team and decided by the Board of Directors (collegially). Emirsyah Satar did not intervene in directing the procurement," said Rebecca F. Elizabeth, Emirsyah Satar Advocate Team. in a statement received by VOI, Sunday, January 12.

He added that in connection with the procurement of Airbus 330 series aircraft, Emirsyah Satar was charged with asking Soetikno Soedardjo to be made Airbus advisor, even though Emirsyah Satar had never done this.

"The entire procurement process for the Airbus series 330 has been carried out according to procedures and has followed the recommendations of the procurement team from various units and received a good price, where Garuda received a 52 percent discount on the airframe and 72 percent engine concession or a total discount of US $ 70.7 million for the company. airframe, and 26.6 million US dollars for engines per aircraft, "said Elizabeth.

In connection with Emirsyah Satar's indictment of deciding to use the Total Care Program (TCP) machine maintenance program, replacing Time & Base Material, this was done based on a team study, where the Total Care Program was proven to be more efficient and could be a solution to overcome potential losses due to flight failure. two A 330 aircraft due to engine failure.

"With the Total Care Program, a replacement machine will be provided, so the cash flow will be flat and predictable," said Elizabeth.

The trial also underlined that Sunarko Kuntjoro was dismissed from the position of Technical Director by the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises as Garuda's shareholder through the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) on 31 October 2007, not being replaced by Emirsyah Satar. On one occasion Sunarko Kuntjoro rejected the legal advisor's question about the criminal case that charged him to America.

During his tenure as President Director of Garuda Indonesia from 2005 to 2014, Emirsyah Satar played an instrumental role in saving Garuda Indonesia - as the flag carrier of the country - from bankruptcy.

In fact, through the quantum leap transformation program that was implemented, Emirsyah Satar has succeeded in making Garuda a five-star airline, and has made it into the ten best airlines in the world.

In addition, it also won Garuda the title of "The World's Best Cabin Crew", or the airline with the best cabin crew in the world, which had previously been dominated by other world airlines.

"We think there are several things in the trial that became clear. First, the fact that Pak Emir did not intervene in the procurement of the aircraft and its maintenance. Second, Witness Sunarko Kuntjoro was also clearly dismissed by the GMS, not by Pak Emir. Then, the fleet plan document that was mentioned. Confidential by Sunarko Kuntjoro and M. Arif Wibowo, it turns out that it can be downloaded freely on the Garuda website so it's not a secret, "said Elizabeth.

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