MEULABOH - The Investigation Team of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the West Aceh Police conducted an examination of four witnesses related to the alleged crime of theft at Madrasah Ibtidaiah Negeri (MIN) 12 Meulaboh in Suak Raya Village, Johan Pahlawan District, West Aceh. West Aceh Police Chief AKBP Pandji Santoso, in Meulaboh, Friday May 13, said the witness examination was an effort to uncover the theft case that occurred at the educational institution. At MIN 12 Aceh Barat, a number of school support equipment was reported missing, including two laptops, two printers, a fan, a gas stove, and a gas cylinder. The water contained in the religious elementary school also disappeared, resulting in clean water facilities at the school as well The police chief Pandji Santoso said that in order to uncover the alleged theft case, his party continued to seek further investigation and a number of steps to uncover the case. His party moved quickly to the scene after receiving a report on a theft case that occurred at MIN 12 Aceh Barat. We are doing this quickly as a form of service to people who need police services," said Police Chief Pandji Santoso.

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