PAPUA - The Jayawijaya Regent of Papua Province, Jhon Richard Banua, asked teachers of the state civil apparatus (ASN) to continue to work optimally and not to give full responsibility to honorary teachers.

This was conveyed by Regent Jhon during the 2022 National Education Day Commemoration ceremony which was held on May 13, 2022 at the Jayawijaya Education Office. The role of honorary teachers is also very important so that everyone must support each other.

"I hope that ASN teachers must really use their roles well. Not because there are honorary teachers in their schools and then ASN teachers do not carry out their duties properly," he said at the location quoted by Antara, Friday, May 13.

Jhon promised to continue to coordinate with the education office and monitor schools so that the teaching and learning process is carried out properly.

"Let's take care of our responsibilities together, I am the regent, the department and the teachers are responsible for education so that our children are more advanced," he said.

Jhon said that his party had recruited a number of honorary teachers to help ASN teachers in schools with limited teaching staff.

"When we know where there is a shortage of teachers, we increase the number of teachers with honorary ones," he said.

The Regent conveyed a happy education day and thanked the education office for holding the anniversary ceremony.

"Although our time has passed due to holiday conditions, it can be carried out now on May 13. With the anniversary of education, hopefully education here will be more advanced," he said.

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