JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has completed the construction of two bridges in Sleman, Yogyakarta in order to improve the smoothness of road connectivity.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said connectivity between regions needs to continue to be improved so that the flow of goods, services and people can be smoother and more efficient. With good connectivity, economic growth can increase.

"The construction of bridge, flyover and underpass infrastructure will improve inter-regional connectivity, as well as provide an alternative for residents to increase economic productivity," said Minister Basuki in a written statement received in Jakarta, Friday, May 13, quoted from Antara.

The Ministry of PUPR has completed the construction of the Sanggrahan Cs Bridge in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. The construction of the Sanggrahan Cs Bridge consists of the Sanggrahan Bridge located in Sanggrahan Maguwoharjo Village and the Kalijogo Suspension Bridge in Karangwetan Hamlet, Tegaltirto Village.

Head of the Central Java-DIY National Road Implementation Center (BBPJN) Wida Nurfaida said the construction of the Sanggrahan Bridge was carried out to open access from the North Ring Road (Ring Road) east to Jalan Selokan Mataram.

"With the construction of the Sanggrahan Bridge, it is hoped that it will be an alternative to share the traffic load on the North Ring Road and towards the city of Yogyakarta," said Wida.

In addition to the Sanggrahan Bridge, in the same contractual package, the Ministry of PUPR has also completed the construction of the Kalijogo Suspension Bridge that connects Kalitirto with Tegaltirto in Berbah. The total length of this bridge is about 60 meters across the Opak River. This suspension bridge in early 2019 was damaged by floods that hit the area.

Wida said that the Kalijogo Suspension Bridge had previously been built through CSR funds from PT. Telkom, in collaboration with the Diponegoro Regional Military Command IV and inaugurated in early January 2019. However, the bridge collapsed on January 30, 2019 due to flooding in the river that carried away the drift.

"This bridge was finally rebuilt and completed in 2022 through the PUPR Ministry's APBN. This bridge plays an important role in uniting the North side of Karang Wetan Hamlet with the South side so that the hamlets that were once separated by the Opak River now have better access,” said Wida.

In addition to shortening the distance and travel time, the existence of this suspension bridge is welcomed because it opens up other potentials to improve the economy of local residents. The construction of the two bridges was carried out by contractor CV. Bejo Lumintu and supervisory consultant PT. White Line Parallel to the contract value of Rp9.2 billion.

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