JAKARTA - PBNU chairman Ahmad Fahrurrozi responded to Deddy Corbuzier's move to apologize and delete his controversial YouTube content related to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) issues.

Fahrurrozi, who is familiarly called Gus Fahrur, understands Deddy's mistake because the father of one child is a convert. According to him, Deddy's apology should be appreciated as a positive and chivalrous step.

"As an ordinary human being, maybe he made a mistake or did not understand Islamic law against LGBT. This must be understood because he is still a convert," said Gus Fahrur in his statement to reporters, Wednesday, May 11.

Gus Fahrur judged, one mistake does not have to erase a thousand previous good. He also supports Deddy to continue to be creative in providing information that enlightens the public.

"He is a great mentalist, critical, and creative. Hopefully in the future he will be more careful in his work and continue to develop with content that is useful for the community," said Gus Fahrur.

Previously, Deddy Corbuzier had invited a gay couple, Ragil Mahardika-Frederik Vollert to a podcast on his Youtube channel. The content then sparked a polemic because it was considered to be campaigning for LGBT.

Because of the noise, Deddy then decided to delete the video. He later apologized and emphasized that he did not support LGBT but only saw LGBT as human beings.

"As usual when it's noisy on social media. I'm sorry. Incidentally, it's still in the month of Shawwal," Deddy wrote on his personal Instagram.

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