JAKARTA - Pasar Senen Station is still crowded with thousands of users of the mass rail transportation mode on H+7 Eid 2022.

Public interest in using long-distance trains (KAJJ) to travel outside Jakarta is still quite high, even though the moment of Eid al-Fitr has ended.

Head of Public Relations of PT KAI Daop 1 Jakarta, Eva Chairunisa noted, there are 8,200 long-distance train passengers (KAJJ) who will leave Jakarta via Senen Station on Tuesday, May 10.

"There are 29 operating trains and 3 additional trains," he said, Tuesday, May 10.

Meanwhile, passengers arriving at Pasar Senen Station from various regions in Central and West Java reached 15,300 passengers.

"15,300 (passengers get off) at Pasar Senen Station," he said.

The high number of users of rail transportation services at Pasar Senen Station, accompanied by security in anticipation of crime by the joint apparatus of the Senen Police. The Lebaran Pam Post is also still standing in the courtyard area of Pasar Senen Station.

Senen Police Chief Kompol Ari Susanto said the density of people using rail transportation was still visible at Pasar Senen Station.

"It's still crowded, but not like yesterday's 8 and 9 May. Currently, residents are still enthusiastic (going home). The Pam post is still there until travelers are expected to arrive until May 17, next," Kompol Ari told VOI, Tuesday, 10 May.

Despite the density of train passengers, crime at Pasar Senen Train Station is still nil.

"Crime, Alhamdulillah there are no prominent incidents. We are still collaborating with the Senen Station. There are 30 joint personnel deployed every day. Patrols are carried out openly by the Senen Police," he said.

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