BANDA ACEH - The Traffic Directorate of the Aceh Police stated that as many as 30 people died on the highway during the Eid 1443 Hijri holiday in conjunction with the implementation of Operation Ketupat Seulawah 2022 in Indonesia's westernmost province. Aceh Police Traffic Director Kombes Pol Dicky Sondani, in Banda Aceh, Monday, May 10, said the Ketupat operation to secure the Lebaran holiday lasted for 12 days from April 29 to May 8, 2022. "Since Operation Ketupat Seulawah 2022 in the jurisdiction of the Aceh Regional Police, 30 people have died in traffic accidents on the highway," said Kombes Pol Dicky Sondani. Meanwhile, traffic accidents that occurred during Operation Ketupat Seulawah 2022, said Pol Kombes Dicky Sondani, were 69 cases with seven people seriously injured. "said Kombes Pol Dicky Sondani quoted by Antara. The former Head of Central Aceh Police and Aceh Tamiang Police Chief said said the most traffic accidents occurred in the eastern route of Aceh with a percentage reaching 58 percent. Meanwhile, in the west lane it is 29 percent, and the middle lane is only 13 percent. Regarding the factors causing traffic accidents, Kombes Dicky Sondani said that human factors dominate the accidents. The reason is the lack of discipline of drivers and not complying with traffic regulations. Pol Kombes Dicky Sondani, a tired driver has the potential to endanger himself and the passengers he carries and other road users.

This fatigue, said the former Head of Public Relations of the South Sulawesi Police, causes a phenomenon called microsleep, in which the eyes are closed for a moment and the level of consciousness is low. accidents," said Dicky Sondani. Therefore, he appealed to motorists not to push themselves when tired. Take a break if you've been driving for four hours. Long trips will cause microsleep. "Drivers must realize that travel is to bring happiness, not to bring sorrow. Maximize rest at available service posts. And most importantly, make sure the condition of the vehicle such as tires, brakes, lights, safety equipment, and others," said Kombes Pol Dicky Sondani.

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