JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo gave a number of directions during the Plenary Cabinet Session at the State Palace. Jokowi's directives cover the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and global economic turmoil.

"I want all of us to continue to concentrate on issues related to the pandemic and also related to the global economic turmoil which has not yet stopped, has not been completed and has created uncertainty in the economies of all countries," Jokowi said, quoted from the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube show, Monday. , May 9th.

In one of his directives, Jokowi emphasized that the government will continue to implement the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) until the pandemic conditions are completely under control.

"So, please, after this PPKM is conveyed, continue until we are absolutely sure that we can control this Covid 100 percent," said Jokowi.

Jokowi also asked his staff to increase their vigilance against global economic turmoil due to the Ukraine war and the United States' monetary policy. Jokowi wants macro and micro economic management to be followed in detail, especially those related to food and energy.

"I asked yesterday to the Cabinet Secretary that every week like we hold a limited meeting on PPKM this should also be done with food, energy affairs must also be carried out weekly. Because of how important the management of these two things is for stabilization, stability of our economy, especially price stability and goods people's staple goods," said Jokowi.

Then, Jokowi reminded the importance of high sensitivity related to the crisis in Indonesia, starting from the dry season, the threat of forest and land fires, to nail and mouth disease that attacks livestock in the country.

Jokowi asked the Minister of Agriculture to carry out a lockdown and implement a lockdown zoning system so that the movement of livestock can be prevented properly.

"I also ask the National Police Chief to really take care of this in the field regarding the movement of livestock from areas that have been declared to have foot and mouth disease. Form a task force so that it is clear who will be responsible later," he said.

In the fifth directive, the President also reminded the importance of accelerating the realization of APBN, APBD, and BUMN expenditures that have an impact on the people's economy. Finally, the President asked his staff to stay focused on their respective tasks, even though the 2024 General Election stage will begin in the middle of this year.

"So that we can ensure that the national strategic agendas that are our shared priorities are carried out properly, the elections are carried out properly, smoothly and without interruption," he added.

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