ACEH - Three victims of a burning meatball cart in East Aceh District were referred to the Zainoel Abidin Regional General Hospital (RSUDZA) Banda Aceh for further medical treatment.

"There are three patients who were referred to the Zainoel Abidin Hospital in Banda Aceh," said Director of the Zubir Mahmud Regional General Hospital in East Aceh, Edy Gunawan in East Aceh, Antara, Monday, May 9.

The three victims referred were Hasbi Nurdin (48), Rahmat Hidayat (49), and Hotma Dewi (30). While the other three are still undergoing intensive care at the Zubir Mahmud Hospital, East Aceh.

"Initially there were nine patients who became victims of the burning cart. However, three of them have been sent home because the burns were not serious," said Edy Gunawan.

Edy Gunawan said the three patients who were sent home were Hafrah Safruddin (2), Hakiatul Zania (7), and Hasbar Matul (4). The three are the biological children of Hasbi Nurdin and Hotma Dewi, the meatball seller.

Meanwhile, three patients who are currently undergoing treatment at the Zubir Makmud Hospital are Nadia Sira (21) a resident of Julok, Ridha Saputri (41) and Azuree Izzam (25).

"They are currently being treated in the Surgical Treatment Room. One of the patients is also planned to be referred to the Zainoel Abidin Hospital in Banda Aceh. Currently in the process of processing files," said Edy Gunawan.

Previously, nine people were rushed to the hospital after suffering burns due to a fire caused by a fried meatball seller's cart in the central field of the East Aceh Regency Government.

The location of the field where the meatball seller's cart was burned is on the side of Jalan Medan-Banda Aceh, Titi Baroo Village, Idi Rayeuk District, East Aceh Regency.

Keuchik (village head) Titi Baro Muhammad Adam said the cart caught fire on Sunday at around 23.00 WIB. The wagon caught fire because the meatball seller had heated the cooking oil for too long.

"As a result, the oil in the frying pan caught fire and the fire spread to a large extent. So, the cart caught fire not because of a gas cylinder explosion," said Muhammad Adam.

Muhammad Adam said residents immediately went to the location of the cart as soon as they got the information. Even he himself saw the condition of the gas cylinder was okay.

"And based on information from the parking attendant, the fire appeared from the oil cauldron, not from the gas cylinder. Even the gas cylinder was in a condition not like it had exploded," said Muhammad Adam.

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