WAMENA - Jayawijaya Police has alerted around 400 joint police and military personnel to escort protesters who want to express their aspiration to reject the formation of new autonomous regions (DOB) and special autonomy at the Jayawijaya Regional House of Representatives Office, Papua, on May 10, 2022.

Jayawijaya Police Chief, AKBP Muh Safei in Wamena, Monday 9 May, said he had coordinated with the person in charge of the activities related to the plan.

"Police personnel plus a battalion (TNI) of approximately 400 personnel, which we have prepared at guard posts and mass points. We will escort them to the Regional House of Representatives, after they convey their message, they will disperse at the appointed time", he said, quoted by Antara.

The group that wanted to carry out the demonstration was the same as what they had done twice. They do not accept the growing claim that 85 percent of Papuans accept the establishment of a new autonomous region.

The Jayawijaya Police permitted residents to express their aspirations but the time was limited to 1 hour starting at 10:00 WIT according to the time stated in the leaflet distributed.

This restriction is intended so that this action is not taken advantage of by certain parties who want to cause chaos or chaos.

"The longest action is 1 hour 15 minutes. That's the maximum. If you talk 20 minutes times four people, it means 80 minutes, it means that one hour and 20 minutes is just the speaker's concept if it's more than that it's nonsense and they understand what I mean", he said.

The police have also conveyed that the demonstration does not involve too many people.

"So looking at the situation, 20 or 10 come there, convey their goals for May 10", he said.

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