TANGERANG - A young man who works as a parcel courier became a victim of robbery in the Cipondoh area, Tangerang City. As a result of the incident, the victim suffered injuries and lost his cellphone.

Information circulating in the field, and through the video received, the victim suffered facial injuries. In fact, it is said that the victim suffered injuries to his eyes as a result of being hit by a sharp weapon belonging to the perpetrator.

In the video circulating, the victim fell on the street groaning in pain. The victim's clothes are also visible.

"That's a robbery victim. It is true that the incident happened last night (early morning) around 1 o'clock. One of the victims' eyes was hit by a sharp weapon," said Anggi Nur Anggaraeni through an account on social media, today.

"The victim doesn't know who the victim is, it's just that his identity is suspected to be a JNE employee. I got the photo directly from my sister who was a witness and took the picture, because at the time of the incident it was in front of the alley to my house. The blood marks are still there," he explained.

According to Anggi, the victim was then taken by the community to the Sari Asih Hospital. "This is not a hoax," he explained.

Cipondoh Police Chief Kompol Ubaidilah when confirmed confirmed the incident. Ubaidilah said the incident occurred on Sunday, May 8, in the early hours of the morning.

"That's right, so the victim was pushed and his cellphone was taken." said Ubaidillah to VOI, Monday, May 9.

Ubaidilah explained that the agreement began when the victim was standing on the side of the road while playing with his cellphone. Suddenly three perpetrators came using a motorcycle unit.

"He immediately stopped, then two people came down, one of whom immediately wanted to take his cellphone," he said.

"(because) it was defended, one of them pushed onto the asphalt road when (the victim) was standing, (after) he fell, he immediately took his cellphone and got on the motorbike again. taken away," he continued.

However, he denied the statement from Ubaidilah regarding the victim's eye being hit by a sharp weapon. Ubaidilah said that the wound on the victim's face was caused by falling on the asphalt.

"Yes, because there is a wound on his temple. Hit the asphalt road and bleed. He took off his clothes to wash off the blood." Obviously.

“The victims of abrasions on their hands, abrasions on their cheeks, wounds on their temples, were immediately taken to the hospital. The item that was lost was the cellphone that he had (had) retained," he continued.

The case is currently under investigation by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cipondoh Police. Investigators have also gathered information from the scene. "We are still investigating. We are still looking for CCTV, while we are examining five witnesses." he concluded.

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