JAKARTA - The Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) has not yet given a recommendation to the government to postpone face-to-face learning (PTM), along with cases of acute hepatitis of unknown cause.

"Until now, there has been no IDAI decision to suggest that PTM be postponed," said Head of the IDAI Gastro-Hepatology Coordination Work Unit (UKK), Dr Muzal Kadim, SpA(K), in a virtual discussion, Saturday, May 7.

"I don't know in further developments. We are still investigating whether it has actually entered Indonesia. So we haven't decided yet," he continued.

Furthermore, Muzal said it was possible for PTM's policy to change. This possibility is in line with the development of the results of investigations related to risk factors for the causes of acute hepatitis by the Ministry of Health.

"The policy could change at any time, at any time. It could be (postponed), but that's based on the situation going forward, according to developments later, yes," he said.

In addition, Muzal said, currently IDAI has anticipated the spread of acute hepatitis. One of them is by preparing health protocols.

"We from IDAI have prepared protocols for pediatricians in particular, pediatricians in hospitals throughout Indonesia. We have worked together with the Ministry of Health and also for hospitals," he said.

In addition, said Muzal, the Ministry of Health will also prepare facilities, including laboratory examinations. "If it happens, we have been prepared from the start," he said.

For your information, the phenomenon of acute hepatitis with no known cause became the world's spotlight after the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) declared it an Extraordinary Event (KLB) on April 15, 2022. WHO received reports of 169 cases in 12 countries, including Indonesia.

In Indonesia, in the last two weeks or until April 30, 2022, it was reported that three pediatric patients died while being treated at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, with suspected acute hepatitis.

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