JAKARTA - The man with the initials KM was allegedly beaten by a group of people at the waqf cemetery in the South Cipete area, Cilandak, South Jakarta.

This beating incident, said the Head of the Cilandak Police, Kompol Multazam Lisendra, occurred on Tuesday, May 5 yesterday. This case is still under police investigation.

"It is true that there was abuse, the victim has returned home, the police have handled it professionally with the residents of Cilandak," Multazam told VOI, Friday, May 6.

Multazam admitted that he had not been able to explain the chronology of the events of the persecution. Because it will only conduct an examination of the victim today.

"Today is scheduled to check the victim (KM). For (chronologically) while waiting for the victim's statement," he said.

Regarding the information circulating about KM who was allegedly molested by a group of people, because the perpetrator did not like being reprimanded by the victim for playing with firecrackers.

Multazam denied the cause of the incident. However, he will only explain about the incident after an examination.

"Not true (because he was reprimanded for playing firecrackers). We can't guess. So, wait for the results of the examination," he concluded.

Photo by David von Diemar on Unsplash

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