JAKARTA - This is what Tebet Eco Park looks like, South Jakarta. The Tebet Eco Park revitalization process has been completed. This park is known as the Honda Park, now has a new face. Previously, Tebet Eco Park was named Taman Tebet. Tebet Eco Park carries three main concepts, prioritizing ecological functions, as a social space and also as an educational and recreational space. More than just a place of interaction but also reconnects humans with nature. The Tebet Eco Park has been inaugurated by the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan. In Tebet Eco Park, there are eight zones, namely Tebet Eco Park Plaza, Community Lawn, Thematic Garden, and MSMEs on the North Side. On the south side there are Wetland Boardwalk, Community Garden, Children Playground, and Forset Buffer. Tebet Eco Park is open to the public, 06.00-19.00 WIB. Watch the video below.

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