JAKARTA - The Supervisory Board of the Corruption Eradication Commission (Dewas KPK) held a hearing to read the ethical decision against the Acting Director of Public Complaints (Dumas) KPK Aprizal.

"It is true, the trial for reading the verdict on the case of Pak APZ (Aprizal) will be held tomorrow at 09.00 WIB," said KPK member Syamsuddin Haris quoted by Antara , Sunday, October 11.

Initially, the verdict on the ethics trial of the KPK Dewas by examining Aprizal was scheduled for Monday, September 28. But it was postponed because Syamsuddin's ethics board member was positive for COVID-19.

The first trial for investigating Aprizal was held on Wednesday, August 26, on suspicion of carrying out Hand-Catching Operations (OTT) activities at the Ministry of Education and Culture or what is known as "OTT UNJ" without coordination.

Aprizal is suspected of violating the code of ethics and code of conduct "Synergy" in Article 5 paragraph (2) letter a of KPK Supervisory Board Regulation Number 02 of 2020.

When the "OTT UNJ" took place on Wednesday, May 20, the team from the Directorate of Public Complaints was in a position to search for information, deepen and verify the information received.

At the same time, the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Education and Culture is also carrying out their internal supervisory function as the Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP) and requesting assistance from the KPK.

However, conditions changed when there were instructions for a number of officials at the Ministry of Education and Culture and UNJ to be brought to the KPK office.

The team was then ordered to pick up people from the Ministry of Education and Culture and UNJ to the location at around 23.00-24.00 WIB on the same day.

The case was then submitted to the Polda Metro, and the Polda Metro then stopped the case because the police did not find any element of the crime.

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