JAKARTA - AKBP Benny Alamsyah was dishonorably discharged because of the drug case that caught him. This dismissal was the result of the police's internal ethics trial for several months.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said Benny received a recommendation to disrespectfully dismiss him (PDTH) because he was found guilty of consuming and keeping four packages of crystal methamphetamine at his office, Kebayoran Baru Police.

However, Benny filed an appeal against the recommendation. So, the handling process moved to the National Police Headquarters.

"The recommendation (sanction) is PTDH. But he appealed, yes, the appeal should be the Headquarters," said Yusri in Jakarta, Friday, January 10.

Yusri added that the handling of Benny's drug criminal case is still ongoing. This case file has been submitted to the Public Prosecutor (JPU).

The verdict of the ethics court regarding PTDH to Benny will be implemented after the hearing of his speech is inclined.

"The code of ethics trial is only a recommendation, and a recommendation for PTDH. Later, when it is signed (the drug crime) will be carried out," said Yusri.

Previously, the Head of Metro Jaya Regional Police Inspector General Gatot Eddy Pramono said Benny Alamsyah was caught using shabu-shabu when he was arrested by the Propam team. He was arrested for this case in August 2019. When arrested, Propam Polda Metro Jaya received 4 packages of shabu-shabu in his office.

"There were found some (crystal meth) there, in his place, in the office when our members were carrying out an inspection there," said Gatot.

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