SAMPIT- This year's Eid is also a happy day for 672 residents assisted by the Class II B Sampit Correctional Institution, East Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan Province. Especially for those who are Muslim, they receive a special remission (RK) for Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijriah.
"We propose 672 WBP (correctional inmates) using the SPPN method or the inmate coaching assessment system. Alhamdulillah, all of them have been declared entitled to receive Eid al-Fitr RK," said Head of Class II B Sampit Prison Agung Supriyanto in Sampit, Tuesday, May 3.
The special remission is based on the Decree (SK) of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number: PAS-609.PK.05.05 of 2022.
The decree for the special Eid al-Fitr remission was symbolically handed over by Agung to the representatives of the correctional inmates in the multi-purpose room of the Sampit Prison. The activity began with the reading of the Idul Fitri special remission decree by the Head of the local Prison Registration Subsi.
Agung explained that of the 825 inmates of the Sampit Prison who met the administrative and substantive requirements to get special remission for Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijriah, 672 people.
A total of 68 non-Muslim inmates, 16 others have undergone subsidiary, 40 have not served six months of punishment and 29 prisoners are prisoners.
These factors made them ineligible to get special remission as well as 672 of their other colleagues who were declared eligible to get the reduced prison term.
In detail, Agung said, as many as 33 correctional inmates received a special remission with the amount of 1 month 15 days, 508 people received a special remission with the amount of 1 month and 131 correctional inmates received a special remission with 15 days.
In granting special remissions for Eid this time, all of them are in the form of reducing the criminal period and no one is declared free immediately. As a form of transparency, this special remission decree is posted on the residential block and can be seen by other inmates through the "self service" posted in the information room.
Agung conveyed his congratulations to the prisoners who received special Eid remissions. Remission is a reduction in the criminal period given by the government as a form of reward or appreciation to prisoners who have met the requirements.
"There are requirements for calculating the criminal period, active participation in the coaching program and the development of good behavior which is proven that the person concerned has never violated the prison rules," he said.
This special remission is carried out on religious holidays and is given to the prisoners in accordance with their religion.
Meanwhile, SPPN is an effort taken by the Directorate General of Corrections as an instrument for assessing changes in the behavior of inmates in prison which is used as the main supporting data in granting the rights of inmates, including in determining the granting of remissions.
"SPPN is one of the mainstay icons of prisons in increasing accountability and transparency, with SPPN the coaching assessment process is carried out in a measurable, objective and systematic manner," said Agung, as quoted by Antara.
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