JAKARTA - The Rejang Lebong Police, Bengkulu, has deployed an anti-robbery team to secure the 2022 Eid holiday. In addition, there is also a precision anti-ranmor team.

The Head of the Rejang Lebong Police, AKBP Tonny Kurniawan, said the anti-robbery team consisted of a combination of the Criminal Investigation Unit and the Rejang Lebong Police Intelligence Unit.

"They are tasked with conducting day and night patrols, maintaining security on Jalan Lintas Curup-Lubuklinggau and other shopping places," said Tonny, as quoted by Antara, Saturday, April 30.

Meanwhile, the Precision Ranmor Team was tasked with day and night patrols. The team from the Sabhara Unit will be on standby at the Container Police Post in Taba Padang Village, Binduriang District.

Later, this team will also take turns patrolling from the Traffic Post in Curup City to the Curup-Lubuklinggau Cross Road during the 2022 Ketupat Nala Operation.

He hopes that the formation of these two teams will be able to reduce the crime rate before and after Eid.

Meanwhile, for people who are hesitant to cross the Curup-Lubuklinggau Cross Road, said Tonny, they can request a free escort from Sindang Kelingi Police and Padang Ulak Tanding Police (PUT).

In addition, there are also officers at Security Posts (Pospam) which were established at three locations in the region.

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