KARAWANG - A traveler from Bandung who was going to Jakarta got lost in a forest area in Karawang Regency, West Java, after following Google Maps.

"Yes, we have reports that travelers have lost their way," said Karawang Police Chief AKBP Aldi Subartono quoted by Antara, Saturday, April 30. The traveler named Firman Perdana contacted the police via a complaint from the Head of the Police. located on a hill in a forest area on the border of Karawang and Purwakarta. From the information obtained, it is known that this traveler departed from Bandung to Jakarta only by relying on Google Maps. However, he was directed by google maps to the Kutatandingan forest area in Mulyasejati Village, Ciampel District, Karawang. The Head of Police said that after realizing that he was lost, Firman then contacted the Report of the Chief of Police to inform him that he was lost while going home.

"The person concerned is close to the Klari Sector Police about 19 kilometers based on the map. Then he asked for help because since last night he had not met local residents to help him. He even needed drinking water because he was tired," he said.

After receiving the report, then members of the picket function of the Ciampel Police and the Mulyasejati Village apparatus conducted a search in the forest area. After searching for about an hour, the members of the picket function of the Ciampel Police were assisted by the local community to find the travelers who had lost their way. Karawang to continue the trip back to Jakarta.

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