CILEGON - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy said Merak Port, Cilegon, Banten, has passed the peak of the homecoming flow, marked by the number of vehicles departing for Sumatra continuing to decline.

"The peak of the homecoming flow has passed," said Muhadjir at the PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry office, Merak Branch, Cilegon, Banten, as reported by Antara, Saturday, April 30.

The peak of going home at Merak Port occurred on Friday (29/4) or D-3 Lebaran, where as of 20.00 WIB the number of vehicles sailing to Bakauheni Port, Lampung, reached 37 thousand units, or about 30 percent higher than the previous period. same year 2019.

After that, Muhadjir continued, ASDP noted that only 22,000 vehicles had booked tickets for departure on Saturday (30/4) or D-2 Lebaran.

"This means that there has been a decline. Thus, the handling of homecomers can be more relaxed than yesterday," said the Minister of Education and Culture for the 2016-2019 period.

Even so, Muhadjir emphasized that the government will continue to provide maximum service to the community.

In order to expedite the flow of crossing vehicles to Sumatra Island, the Ministry of Transportation and PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry ensured that more than 50 ships were still ready to carry homecomers across.

Not only that, the government has also opened two additional ports to reduce the density of travelers at Merak Port, namely Indah Kiat Port and Pelindo's port in Ciwandan, Banten. Two and nine ferry boats are alerted at each port.

Then, the government also always tries to make the process of loading and unloading ships carried out immediately.

"All procedures will be increasingly tightened so as to speed up the process of transporting homecomers," said Muhadjir.

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