DENPASAR - Health services, emergency services and public service malls in Denpasar Bali are still open during the Eid 2022 joint holiday or Eid 1443 Hijriah.

Head of the Protocol and Communications Section for the Denpasar City Government, I Dewa Gede Rai, said health and emergency services will continue to operate as usual for 24 hours.

While the Denpasar City Sewakadarma Public Service Mall will continue to serve the public on April 29, as well as on May 4, 5 and 6, 2022. Meanwhile, during national holidays on May 2 and 3, 2022, Sewakadarma Public Service Mall Denpasar City will be closed.

He said, for health and emergency services, they will continue to provide services as they should, namely remaining on standby 24 hours. Denpasar City Government in accordance with the slogan "Sewaka Dharma and the spirit of Vasudaiva Kutumbakam" continues to strive to provide maximum service to the community.

"Especially for health and emergencies such as the Wangaya Hospital, Puskesmas, Damakesmas and BPBDs, they continue to provide 24-hour services," said Dewa Rai.

He said specifically for the Denpasar City Sewakadarma Public Service Mall, it remained open during joint leave, while during national holidays it was closed.

The service schedule at the Sewakadarma Public Service Mall, which is on April 29 and May 6, is open from 08.00 WITA-11.00 WITA. Meanwhile, on Wednesday, May 4-Thursday, May 5, it is open 08.00-12.00 WITA.

On this occasion, he said, his party would understand the public for this inconvenience. And it is advised that the public can take advantage of joint leave to maximize administrative management related to the OPD and the Sewakadarma Public Service Mall in the Denpasar City Government.

"On behalf of the Denpasar City Government, we apologize for this inconvenience, the public can take advantage of the leave to take care of the administration related to the OPD and the Sewakadarma Public Service Mall within the Denpasar City Government," he said.

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