MATARAM - The West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police predicts the number of homecoming travelers for Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijri in 2022 will reach 2.5 million people.

"The prediction of 2.5 million homecomers who will enter NTB has started to be seen from the movement of the homecoming flow in the last two days," said Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Commissioner Artanto in Mataram, as reported by Antara, Thursday, April 28.

Artanto conveyed this in accordance with the results of the monitoring of the Directorate of Security of Vital Objects (Ditpamobvit) of the West Nusa Tenggara Police at Lembar Harbor, West Lombok Regency.

From the data collection, Wednesday, April 27, the number of vehicles entering Lombok Island, NTB, through Lembar Harbor, was 1,310 units, both four-wheeled and two-wheeled.

"So there is a 701 percent increase compared to the same day in the fasting month last year. So it can be said that there has been a significant increase in homecoming flow this year," he said.

With the increase in the movement of the Lebaran homecoming movement, Artanto assured that the NTB Regional Police and the Police in the ranks had anticipated all forms of disturbance threats.

"For this reason, we from the police provide services and security to those who are going home for Eid by setting up 35 posts at all points spread across all the NTB Regional Police," he said.

The establishment of this post is confirmed not only to regulate traffic flow and provide a sense of security and comfort for travelers, but also to safeguard community activities which are increasing ahead of Eid.

"Such as in the shopping area of Mataram City, the activities of the people who buy Eid clothes are what we secure," said Artanto.

Security is also carried out by continuing to monitor the COVID-19 health protocol (prokes) in accordance with the mandate of the Chief of the Indonesian National Police, Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

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