LAMPUNG - Lampung Police Chief Inspector General of Police Hendro Sugiatno hopes that Bakauheni Port will add a special motorcycle dock for the Lebaran 2022 homecoming. The suggestion to prevent the buildup was conveyed by the Kapolda to ASDP as the manager of Bakauheni Port.

"In preparing for the 2022 Lebaran homecoming flow, all preparations have indeed started to be carried out by maintaining collaboration between related parties," said Hendro Sugiatno, while attending a coordination meeting for the preparation of the homecoming flow, in South Lampung, Wednesday 27 April.

He said, to expedite the Lebaran 2022 homecoming flow, his party suggested to the Bakauheni Port manager to provide a special dock for two-wheeled vehicle drivers.

"We recommend ASDP to provide a special dock for motorcycles so that these two-wheeled riders do not mix with others during the current homecoming flow," he said.

According to him, the existence of a special dock for travelers using two-wheeled vehicles can provide a sense of security and comfort for travelers.

"From the safety aspect, of course, if it is not mixed with four-wheeled vehicles, motorbike travelers are certainly safer, then the comfort factor is also more comfortable because so far we have handled many travelers who fainted due to exhaustion from motorcycle users," he added.

He explained, with the Lebaran homecoming situation different from usual, because there will be an increase in the number of homecomers after 2 years of experiencing the absence of going home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the policy of adding a special dock for motorbike users can help overcome the buildup.

"Let's think that right now it's not in a normal situation. So the existence of a special pier for motorbikes can help us channel travelers who use motorbikes," he also said.

He added, to anticipate unwanted incidents due to the accumulation of homecomers and fatigue for motorcycle travelers, a health post has also been provided in the port area and the Sumatra Cross Road.

"Together with related parties, a health service post has also been opened, it is hoped that this can help travelers who feel they need health services," he said.

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