ACEH - The Aceh Police and staff in collaboration with related agencies have begun to prepare security posts and services for the Eid homecoming homecoming.

The Head of Public Relations of the Aceh Police, Kombes Winardy, said that the preparation of the security post and services was part of the Ketupat Seulawah 2022 operation.

"The Ketupat Seulawah operation will last for 12 days from April 28 to May 9 2022. The target of the operation is to realize the safety and comfort of the people for Eid," said Winardy in Banda Aceh, Antara, Wednesday, April 27.

According to him, various preparations are being carried out by the Aceh Police and staff ahead of the operation. This includes setting up security posts and services.

"The performance of security posts and services at certain points is a center for officers to move quickly and precisely when taking action to ensure that the community is safe and comfortable and healthy during the Eid homecoming trip," he said.

The middle-ranking officer of the Aceh Regional Police said that 32 security posts were prepared in 23 regencies and cities in Aceh Province. Meanwhile, there are 29 service posts. In addition to security and service posts, the Aceh Police and staff have also prepared a COVID-19 vaccine vaccination booth.

"For vaccination booths, we have prepared at 26 points. The vaccination booths are to make it easier for the public, especially travelers to get the COVID-19 vaccine, either the first, second or third doses," said Winardy.

Regarding the personnel involved in Operation Ketupat Seulawah 2022, Winardy said the total number was 1,827 people.

Of this number, he said, as many as 112 personnel of whom were from the Aceh Regional Police. Meanwhile, as many as 1,715 other personnel from the police ranks within the jurisdiction of the Aceh Regional Police.

"The police will carry out security in a professional and humane manner, provide the best service to the community. As well as a form of representation of the state in the midst of society," he said.

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