SEMARANG - The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo walks through the Kalikangkung Toll Gate (GT), Central Java to directly monitor travelers entering the city of Semarang.

"We are directly reviewing the preparations of the Regional Police or Central Java Province, to ensure that preparations for community services that will carry out homecoming, especially those passing through Central Java, heading to East Java or entering the Central Java region are all going well," Sigit said as quoted by Antara. , Wednesday, April 27.

According to ANTARA's monitoring, the National Police Chief together with the Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi went directly to the toll gate to ensure travelers adhered to health protocols as well as to ask the purpose of each stopped vehicle.

When inspecting the toll gate up close, Sigit also asked the purpose of the travelers and what preparations had been brought so that the trip could remain safe and comfortable. He even prayed for the travelers to arrive safely at their destination.

In this activity, Sigit also said that the results of monitoring from the command center owned by his party in real time showed that the Losari area, Brebes Regency, Central Java was starting to be crowded with travelers.

In the homecoming activities, said Sigit, the National Police will always try to break down the density on various roads. However, one that is also a priority is the safety of the drivers.

In order to maintain the condition of travelers in prime condition, Sigit stated, his party has prepared a conducive rest area for drivers to rest when experiencing fatigue.

There are a number of service posts that are also prepared in an integrated manner so that people can rest comfortably. Such as mobile SIM service posts, takjil for fasting, booster vaccination tents and so on.

Sigit appealed to all people to remain careful while traveling and to keep abreast of actual information so that there is no buildup on the road.

“Information about going home really needs to be prepared. So that people who go home can get information from the police. I ask for cooperation with related TV and radio," said Sigit.

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